
Awards Recieved so far regd contribution in Teaching/ Research Activities

  Awards Recieved so far regd contribution in Teaching/ Research Activities 1.       Dr.Ram Subbiah (2020), Received Bharat Vidya Ratan Award for Outstanding Achievements and Remarkable Role in the Field of Education from Achievers Association for Health and Educational Growth at New Delhi on 28 th October 2020. 2.       Dr.Ram Subbiah (2020), Received Indian Achievers award for Education Excellence for Outstanding Acieevements and Remarkable Role in the Field of Education from Achievers Association for Health and Educational Growth at New Delhi on 28 th October 2020. 3.       Dr.Ram Subbiah (2020), Received Young Achiever Award from Institute of scholars - InSC awards 2020 for the Patent Published on Design of Coconut Husk Remover with Shell Cutter and Scraper. 4.       Dr.Ram Subbiah (2020), Received Research Excellence Award from Institute of scholars - InSC awards 2020 fo...